"Across the Lines"
"A Cry From Andersonville Prison"
"A March in the Ranks Hard-Prest, and the Road Unknown"
"April 20, 1864"
"A Sight in Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim"
"As I Lay with My Head in Your Lap Camerado"
"Bivouac on a Mountain Side"
"Civile Bellum"
"Dragoon's Song"
"He Died at His Post"
If We Knew
"I Fights Mit Sigel"
"In Dixie's Sunny Land"
"In Memory of John B. Cypher"
"In Old Tennessee"
"March Along"
"Song of a Brigadier"
"The Battle Autumn of 1862"
"The College Colonel"
"The Dying Soldier"
"The Hero of the Drum"
"The March of the Iron Brigade"
"The Pride of Battery B"
"The Rapidan"
"Shall I See My Boy Again"
"The Soldier's Christmas Eve"
"The Soldier's Grave"
"The Same Canteen"
"The Sleeping Sentinel"
"The Vicksburg Jail"
Union Poetry